"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Do Something Worthy

I'm Back! Sorry for the slacking regarding the blog, but I have great news! I am giving away great prizes. The prizes will be things like t-shirts, burpees, runs of 400m or less, or whatever I feel like giving away.

Here's how it works:

1) Do something worthy! Get a new PR, achieve a goal from the list that I have, have perfect attendance for at least 3 weeks, etc. This is subject to my approval.

2) Take your prize and cash it in during any WOD with that given exercise.

3) You still get a nice break during a WOD and you still get credit for it.

4) If more than one person is "cashing in" during the same WOD, then we will have to work something out at that time. (There is only so much I can do at one time and still coach you)

For example, Liz won 25 burpees the other day for getting her 1st muscle up (and it was on her birthday) Congratulations! The next time burpees come up in a WOD, all she has to do is say, "Andres I want you to do 25 of my burpees today." I will do them during the WOD and she gets to take a break.

Sounds awesome right? That's because it is!!! So... work hard, achieve some goals and make some new PR's..... I AM WATCHING YOU!

P.S. Good luck to everyone that is competing this weekend. It will be fun.